You are very special, and so is your Birthday. Is
there any hard and fast rule for celebrating a birthday by throwing a party,
cutting the cake, or getting fucked up in the bar? Certainly not, and there are
many other ways to treat you on this special day of your life.
Are you wondering to know why should you celebrate
your birthday? And that too every single year? Well, celebrating the birthday
does not mean you have to spend a hefty for hosting a party, or other loud
activities to celebrate. You can plan something simple like being alone in your
house and moving the pages of your album to cherish your childhood memories. A
visit to the church, temple, or mosque, can be on your list of things
to do on your Birthday.
What does a birthday celebration mean? Celebration
means to involve in any celebratory activity, and that too is your way to
recognize the fact that you are alive and healthy and living another year. In
case you are confused and looking for the best ideas to celebrate your birthday
in a better way, then we have some amazing ideas to share. We are sure you will
find them worthy of your celebration.
A visit to the orphanage: There are many unprivileged children in
this world deprived of the basic needs of life. What can be the best way other
than spending some quality time with them visiting an orphanage? On your
birthday, in place of getting a gift, give them gifts, and the return gifts
will be their divine smiles for you. The feeling will be a blessed one, and the
moments unforgettable for you.
Buy something new as your birthday
gift to self: So many things you desire and
wish to have in your life. Your birthday is the best day to pamper yourself
with gifting self. You might be saving long to buy the dream car or the
expensive DSLR camera. Well, it is the day when you can be a little selfish and
buy the dream gift for you.
Donating for a good cause: You are a blessed child of this world and
have almost everything which you wished to have. But many unlucky people are
living in old-age-homes or poor people who remain deprived of happiness. Your
birthday is the day to do something noble, and you can do it by donating a sum
of money for their care and maintenance.

Make your portrait: We agree that digital photography changed the
concept of portrait-making an old affair. But there is nothing bad if you wish
to make your sketch or portrait painted on a canvas. It's possible when you are
a good artist, but what to do if not? Simply book an appointment with one of
the best portrait artists in your city on your birthday. Get your portrait
canvased by an artist to hang it on your walls later. If you wish, you can get
your portrait done on every birthday to record the way you are aging
beautifully, each year.
Meet your first crush: Can you remember the day when your heart said you
are in love? It was a one-sided love from your side, and so you didn’t open up
your heart. Still, he/she was your first crush. Time passed and you progressed
in life, but is there anything bad if you look back remembering your crush?
Certainly not, and you can take the chance to meet your crush and plan a dinner
date with him/her. Yes, it will be a friendly association after such a long
time for your ex-crush, but it will be a new type of feeling good experience on
your birthday.

Go for Tattoo making: You were planning long to get a tattoo done on your
hand or back, but lack of time restricts you. Why not select your birthday as
the day to get your tattoo done? Choose the design you desired so hard? It will
be a perfect gift for you by you on this special day.

Blood donation on Birthday: Blood is life, and we all know that. Across the
globe, many people die just because of not having the supply of blood. If you
are not yet lucky to donate blood so far, then the time arrived when you do it.
What can be the best day for you other than a birthday to do this pious job?
Trust us, and you will feel good. You will stay assured someday, or sometime
your blood will be useful for some other person in need of the same. It will be
a unique way to give a gift to someone on your birthday.

Sign the organ donation form: Like blood, our human organs can also be a useful
lifesaver for others when you are not there on this earth. Try to visualize the
thing that you left the world but still alive being in the body of other people
by saving their life with your organ. Why not visit the nearest organ donation
unit and sign the form to promise to donate your organs? What can be the best
give other than this you can give yourself on this auspicious day? Getting the
opportunity to save other's life is the biggest blessing one can get in life.

Sending flowers and Thank you note: You are successful, established, wealthy and
happy in your life. But all that happens to you is magic? Or some people played
some role in your life journey so far? We are sure there will be many people
who contributed to making you who you are today. Why not on your birthday you
thank them for sending flowers and thank you note. It will be the best gift for
you when you get their call back. It will make your birthday a special one.
A solo drive: We know that you love to drive or ride, but most of
the time, you have someone or the other with you to accompany. So, think
differently on this special day and go for a long solo drive or ride to be with
you only. Choose a destination outside the city to get a smooth road to ride. A
Solo drive allows you to think about what is going on in your life. You make
your brain work, to allow some fresh thoughts to come to improve your life.
Trust us, a solo drive or ride will introduce you to a new you.

Shopping just for you: You are a
responsible person and performed all your responsibilities to date with
perfection. When you do your responsibilities, you forgot that sometimes there
is a need to do something for yourself too. Why not, on this big day of your
life, you take the chance to celebrate yourself. You can go out for a day-long
shopping and that too just for you. Just enjoy shop hopping and buy some
awesome kinds of stuff and that too only for you. It is the day when you have
every right to pamper yourself and feel good.
Join a cooking class: You know you don’t cook so well, but why not
learn it and surprise your family someday. Grab the opportunity to learn making
some yummy dishes that you know your family will enjoy. There is no need to
step out of the house as online cooking classes are available to help you learn
from home. Enroll in some online cookery classes and learn cooking on your
birthday. Try the dishes in the evening family dinner and surprise all.
Go for future reading: Want to know what the future holds for you? One of
the most exciting things in life is to get a prediction about your future. You
can take an appointment with any of the reputed fortune teller or astrologer of
your city and ask for future reading. It feels great when you get a sneak peek
about your future, and it guides how you take the steps in life in the coming
time. Plan this fortune reading session for your next birthday.
Gift donation: Many birthdays you passed, and you received a
bucket full of gifts. Some you used, and some kept unopened for years and kept
accumulating. We understand that unopened gifts are not of your interest or use,
but many may need it and cannot afford to buy. On this birthday, as a good
gesture, distribute such gifts among needy people and some more from your end.
You will get blessings from those people, and that will be the best return gift
on your birthday.
Visit a cancer patient
hospital: Cancer is one such disease that ends
up taking the lives of many. A handful can survive the harsh Chemotherapy to
return to normal life. The patients lying on the beds of Cancer hospital are
unaware of the future they hold. Can you bring some smiles and hope on their
face? Yes, you can. Pay a visit to the cancer ward of your nearest hospital and
take flowers, cakes, and gifts for them. Cut your birthday cake with these
patients. Your presence can be the reason for a smile, even for a day on the
face of these patients. Make your birthday a meaningful one with your visit to
the cancer hospital.
A visit to your first school: For each one of us, our first school is very
special, and so are our teachers. The school is the stepping stone for us to a
new world. Why not spend a day with your teachers visiting your school on your
birthday. It will be the best surprise for your teachers to see how successful
their student is and still remembering them. You can take some lovely gifts for
the teachers who taught you the best lessons in life. Cake cutting with your
teachers will revive those old days when you used to celebrate your birthday at
school with classmates and teachers.
Connect with your friend with whom
you lost connection: Life
is so hectic that we hardly get time to stay connected with our old school days
friend. Many lost connections because of changing cities for professional or
personal reasons. Your birthday can be the day when you can regain the lost
contacts with those oldie friends. It can be a phone call, a Facebook chat, or
even a video call to revive the old lost connection with friends.
Win your fear: Being human-being countless things make us
feel scared. Many of us get scared in the name of the ghost. Some have fear of
scuba diving and encountering with the underworld species. Countless more are
there with some odd fears in life. Consider your birthday as a new day of birth
and take the challenge to overcome your fear by doing the activities you are
scared of. Celebrate your birthday by saying no to fear.
Spa therapy for you: Your body is tired because of the hectic
lifestyle and needs some pampering. You can plan for a spa therapy taking leave
for a day on your birthday. Allow your body to get the soothing massage to
rejuvenate the whole body with absolute refreshment. A head massage or pedicure
and manicure is a must to add to relax your hand and feet. You can also request
aromatherapy as it will relax not only your body but your soul erasing, the
pressure of stress on the mind.
Disconnecting self from all
communication: Mobile, laptop, television, video
games, and other electrical gadgets keeps us so much occupied in life that we
remain under pressure. You want to do something different and unique just for
you on your birthday. We suggest you break all lines of communication for a day
with all electrical gadgets. Make it a day just for you in absolute silence.
There is a need for silence in life to listen to what our heart says. Treat
yourself with a day of peace and silence.
Tree plantation Drive: You know that the world is losing its green
belt so fast that global warming is coming as a threat to us. Being a sensible
citizen of this earth on your birthday you can organize a tree plantation drive
in your city, with the support of the forest department. You can distribute
plants among people and encourage them to plant at least a tree that day as a
birthday gift for you. Such an act will be a different way of celebrating a
birthday with purposeful meaning. We assure people will love your concept of
celebrating a birthday and adapt the same on their birthday too.
Contribute to a poor child's 1-year
education: Education is the biggest asset in
life, and you know that. Can you make a gift for a child who is, deprived of
education for being poor? Such an act is considered noble, and we know being a
good human being, you will not mind doing that. In place of wasting money just
by throwing a party to treat some fellow friends and neighbors, why not
contribute it for one child’s education? Such an act of yours on your birthday
will make you feel blessed and happy. Trust us, and we assure your parents will
also be proud of you and your actions on your birthday.
Reading your favorite author’s book: Are you missing your favorite author’s book?
Don’t get enough time to read because of professional work? If that is true,
then why not take a break and celebrate your birthday in the study reading your
favorite author’s latest book. It will be a great treat for you, and we are
sure you will love it.
Go for a blind date: Are you still a single and in search of your Mr or
Ms. Perfect, to mingle? So, far you didn’t get the chance to meet that perfect
person who can be your soulmate. Why not take the risk of a blind date on your
birthday? If you are lucky, your blind date will end up as the first meeting
with your soulmate.
Go for a Solo date to treat the
foodie in you: Are you are a perfect foodie? Do you
want to get treated with good food surrounding you? If yes, then go for a solo
date at one of the best restaurants in the city to enjoy yummy and delicious
cuisines. But which date to choose for this wonderful treat? Let it be your
birthday and your special day. If you wish, you can also taste the best street
foods or even taste different wines at your favorite bar.
Donate food for the stray dogs: If you wish to think differently for celebrating
your birthday, then donate for the feeding and protection of the stray dogs.
Many organizations work for the wellbeing of the community stray dogs. Your
donation on your birthday will be a treat for these dogs who are homeless and
need the love of people. Be the reason for happiness for them and make your
birthday special.